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Buy Silver Edward VI (1547 - 1553) Tudor England Coins

Born in 1537, Edward VI was the long awaited son of King Henry VIII and his third wife, Jane Seymour. Edward was Henry’s only heir and took the throne at the age of just nine after his father’s death. Throughout his short six-year reign, the government was controlled by a regency council and two Protectors, Edward Seymour and John Dudley. Both Protectors shared Edward’s determination to continue the religious reformation that Henry VIII had triggered by separating the English church from the Roman Catholic Church and many significant changes were made. Edward died of a lung condition at the age of 15, leaving the throne to his cousin, Lady Jane Grey.

Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch, seized the throne in battle in 1485, his succession and subsequent marriage effectively ending the Wars of the Roses. He was succeeded by his son, Henry VIII in 1509 whose children succeeded him in turn: first Edward Vi (ruled 1547 to 1553), Mary I (1553-1558) and lastly Elizabeth II (1558-1603). The coinage of the Tudor dynasty is coloured by life-like profile portraits: a marked change from the hard-to-distinguish facing busts of the medieval kings. Late in Henry VIII's reign the a debasement policy was instituted, making high grade coins from this period and the early years of his son's reign hard to find. An experimental milled issue was made in the 1560s.

Edward VI (1547 - 1553) Info

Edward VI was born in 1537 to King Henry VIII and Jane Seymour. Edward’s arrival was long-awaited – Henry VIII had married twice before Jane, both marriages producing daughters, but he was desperate for a son that would be the heir to the throne. 

As the only heir, Edward received the best education growing up. He learnt multiple languages,  studied geometry and learned to play a number of musical instruments.

Despite his excellent education, he would have had a rather troubled upbringing. His mother died not long after he was born and his father went on to marry another three women – Anne of Cleves, who Henry divorced when Edward was three, Catherine Howard, who was beheaded for adultery, and finally Catherine Parr. His father himself then died when Edward was just nine years old, leaving the young Edward as king.  

The Reign of King Edward VI

Given his young age, Edward’s reign was set to be controlled by a regency council that was due to run the government until the king turned 18. The plan wasn’t executed exactly as Henry VIII had probably intended, however. The council used their influence and power to their own benefit and Edward’s uncle, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, named himself Lord Protector of England and took power.  

Edward Seymour, Lord Protector

Somerset’s main interest was the continuation of England’s military campaign in Scotland. Under Henry VIII’s reign, he’d previously been put in charge of invading Scotland after it had broken the Treaty of Greenwich and allied with France. Now as Lord Protector, Somerset continued his campaign, which came to be known as The Rough Wooing. 

After initial success, he lost direction later on. In 1549, the cost of maintaining the armies became too much, and England withdrew from Scotland.

The same year, with a feeling of unrest spreading through the country, a series of armed revolts broke out in England. The Council blamed Somerset for these disastrous failures and arrested him and later executed him, leaving the role as Lord Protector open. 

Though he never took the title of Protector, John Dudley emerged as the new leader of the Council and was made Duke of Northumberland in 1551. 

John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland 

John Dudley had a different political approach to his predecessor. With no blood relation to the king, he made sure that he controlled the majority of the council. He did, however, take the same approach to religion as he also supported the religious reformation in England, backed by King Edward. 

Triggered by Henry VIII’s separation of the English church from the Roman Catholic Church, Edward’s reign was an important time in the reformation. John Dudley now lead the country-wide move to Protestantism. Major religious reforms were made, including the abolition of mass, the end of clerical celibacy, the introduction of Thomas Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer, and the rejection of papal authority. 

King Edward VI’s Early Death

As it turned out, Edward was never destined to govern the country himself. In February of 1553, he became ill with pulmonary tuberculosis, an infection of the lungs. By June, it was apparent that he wasn’t going to recover, so the Council began making plans for succession. 

The Council and even Edward himself feared that the succession of his Catholic half-sister Mary (Henry’s daughter by Catherine of Aragon) would jeopardize the reformation. Instead, Edward named his cousin, Lady Jane Grey, as his heir. 

Edward died on the 6th of July 1553 and he was indeed succeeded by Lady Jane Grey. His cousin’s reign was set to be short, however, as Mary asserted her right to the throne, rallying the support of the Catholic faction and replacing Jane as Queen of England after just nine days. 

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