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Buy Farthing James I (1603 - 1625) Stuart The Royal Mint Coins

King James was born in 1566, the son of Mary Queen of Scots and Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley. He became King of Scotland when he was 13 months old and King of England when he was 37, bringing together England, Ireland and Scotland for the first time. James was well educated and published books and even issued the Authorised King James's Version of the bible in 1611. He wasn't particularly popular, however. He believed in the Divine Right of Kings – he ruled how he wanted and put down anyone who disagreed with him. He died in 1625 after a stroke, leaving his son, Charles, to take his place on the throne.

The monarchs of the House of Stuart were first kings of Scotland, then England and Ireland and eventually Great Britain. During the reigns of James VI and I (ruled 1603 to 1625) and Charles I (1625-1649) coinage was hammered. After the restoration of the monarchy and the return of Charles II (1660-1685), the older technique was superseded by machinery. This period encompasses the reigns of James II (1685-1688), the joint rule of Mary II and William III (1689-1694) his independent rule (1694-1702) and latterly that of Anne (1702-1714). During her reign the Acts of Union untied the kingdoms of England and Scotland into Great Britain, more than a century after the union of the crowns.


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