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Buy Sixpence Elizabeth I (1558 - 1603) Tudor The Royal Mint Coins

Queen Elizabeth I was born in 1533, the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth had a troubled upbringing, mainly due to religion. She was wholly Catholic but forced to live under her father's, half-brother's and then half-sister's staunchly Protestant rules. As queen, Elizabeth ended the religious fanaticism that had cast its shadow over the country and saw in a golden age for England. She was a devoted queen – so much so that she never married and was instead ‘married to her people'. She steered England to becoming powerful in the arts, trade and politics of Europe and went down in history as one of England's greatest monarchs.

Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch, seized the throne in battle in 1485, his succession and subsequent marriage effectively ending the Wars of the Roses. He was succeeded by his son, Henry VIII in 1509 whose children succeeded him in turn: first Edward Vi (ruled 1547 to 1553), Mary I (1553-1558) and lastly Elizabeth II (1558-1603). The coinage of the Tudor dynasty is coloured by life-like profile portraits: a marked change from the hard-to-distinguish facing busts of the medieval kings. Late in Henry VIII's reign the a debasement policy was instituted, making high grade coins from this period and the early years of his son's reign hard to find. An experimental milled issue was made in the 1560s.


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